Thursday, October 4, 2007

The Birthday

Many years ago, when I was close to browsing about “75% of the Internet” (Equbeer Bedi, where are you?), I had come upon an audio file that I thought could make a gem of quiz question – the only condition being that the quiz had to happen today. Today.

That audio file was dutifully saved. And after the past 8-9 years, I remembered my gem. But over many changes involving computing equipment, nations, residential shelters and breadwinning establishments, I am unable to find that audio file. (Google, how’s that door-to-door search thingamajig coming along?). There is nothing to do for it, but to get back on the ‘Net. In the meantime, all those chappies have figured out that there’s money in them thar binaries; couldn’t find a way to get that audio file into my machine. And today’s the key day: so, let a blog post stand in for a quiz.

If you’ve got this far, you’ve a pretty good idea of what I’m talking about. Yes, it IS my wife’s birthday today. But no, I don’t trawl the net to find audio files featuring her. I get to hear her often enough otherwise, thank you. And anyway, I’m talking about something that happened long, long before Vidya came into this world.

I had found this great site that let me download a transmission from outer space – oooh, what a lovely quiz question, play those noises like many bugs in disharmony and watch the teams work it out! What a grand feeling it would have been, to be able to understand man’s first blabber from outer space!! Hear it for yourselves.

But my wife thinks I’ve forgotten HER day. No way, lady! Let’s go, it’s time for the grand dinner!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oi! I like your blog- never mind that I have no choice in the matter. Now that you've put up a sound clip of Sputnik sputtering, use some tech-savvy and buzz me:D